Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stone

Homeopathy medicine for kidney stone.
Homeopathy treatment of kidney stone

Under the conventional mode of medicine, kidney stones are considered a case for surgery but in natural medicines system like homeopathy can break and dissolve the kidney stones. Homeopathy medicine for kidney stones are very effective and safe. In fact, homeopathy medicine for kidney stone have shown the most remarkable results in treating the recurrent tendency of kidney stones. Some very effective Homeopathic medicines for kidney stone are given below.

Top 5 Homeopathy medicine for kidney stone.

Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stones are very effective with no side effects .Homeopathy treatment of kidney stone is the best treatment of kidney stone.

1.Berberis Vulgaris Q – 20 Drops daily three times a day.
Top homeopathy medicine for kidney stone and it top of the Homeopathic table in to treat all kinds of kidney stones.
2.Lycopodium 200– 2 Drop daily morning for 7 days .
Very effective homeopathy medicine for kidney stone and specific for the right side kidney stones and mostly indicated when pain is relieved by passing urine.

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3.Hydrangea Arborescence Q – 10-20 drops daily three times a day.
Very good  as stones breaker homeopathy medicine for kidney stone  it’s used to crush kidney stones in ureter as well as bladder also.
4.Sarsaparilla Q – 10 -20 drops daily three times a day.
Very effective homeopathy medicine for kidney stone when urine passed is scanty and urine may contain slimy or sandy particles it’s also prescribed for right side kidney stones.
5.Cantharis Vesicatoria Q – 10-20 drops daily three times a day.
It’s great homeopathy medicine for kidney stone when burning on passing urine the burning may also be present before urine is passed and may continue after urination.

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