Knee pain treatment

Knee pain is the very common musculoskeletal complaint now days and due to that brings people to the doctor. It affects about approx. 25% of Indian adults. Several different things can lead to knee pain, and the treatments for it vary depending on what’s causing it.

Knee pain treatment
Knee pain treatment

Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. Medical conditions , including arthritis, gout and infections also can cause knee pain.

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Symptoms of Knee pain:

The location and severity of knee pain may vary, depending on the cause of the problem. Signs and symptoms that sometimes accompany knee pain include:

  • Swelling and stiffness
  • Redness and warmth to the touch
  • Weakness or instability
  • Popping or crunching noises
  • Inability to fully straighten the knee

Electro Homeopathic medicine for Knee pain:

  • L2S5C3F1RE – D6 10 drops TDS
  • C11GE – D6 10 drops tds
  • C4WE- 200 10 globules OD
  • A2S5C4F2Ven1WERE – D4 Compress

Homeopathic Medicine for Knee Pain:

  • R73 Drops – 10 Drops TDS
  • Rheumacure Syrup – 5 ML BD

Watch This video for Knee pain:

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