Homeopathy Combinations
Homeopathy Formulas
Homeopathy is a medical science which cure the diseases on basis of symptoms and totality .Any diseases can indicate different symptoms in different person so every person can have different medicine for the same disease.But some time in acute or chronic diseases patient need immediate relief in theses conditions some homeopathy combinations provided quick relief.Although constitutional remedy always needed.
Homeopathy Combinations for cough
- spongia tosta 200
- aconite 200
- hepar sulphur 200
Mix all three medicines and take adult 2 drops 3 times a day and children’s 1 drop 2 times a day for cough coryza throat infection this combination is also useful for throat infection tonsillitis laryngitis and pharyngitis!This is best homeopathic combinations.
Homeopathic formula for Fatty Liver
- Chelidonium majus Q
- Carduus marianus Q
- Chionanthus q
- Kalmegh Q
Mix all above medicine in equal quantity and take 30 drops daily in some water.This is the best homeopathic medicine for fatty liver and can cure fatty liver in 3 months with some dietary restrictions .
Homeopathic medicine for High BP
- Rauwolfia serpentina mother tincture
- Crataegus mother tincher
- Passiflora mother tincture
- Arjuna mother tincture
Mix all above medicine in equal quantity and take 20-40 drops according to condition daily in some water. This is proven homeopathic medicine of High Blood pressure and it also reduce high cholesterol.
Read Also:Homeopathic treatment of heart diseases
Best Homeopathic treatment of Gas
- Robinia pseudacacia 6ch
- Pulsatilla 6ch
- Antimonium crudum 6ch
- Carbo vegetabilis 6ch
Mix all above medicine in equal quantity and take 4 drops daily after meal it will reduce the gas formation gradually and cure it after some time .
Homeopathic medicine to boost child immunity
- Thuja 6ch
- Echinasia A 6ch
- Aconite N 6ch
- Alliumcepa 6ch
Mix all medicine in equal quantity and take 2 drops daily three times a day.
Homeopathy Hair fall formula
- Rosmarinus off 30 ch
- Lycopodium 30 ch
- Wiesbaden 30 ch
- Acid fluoricum 30ch
Take 2 drops daily of above mixture of medicines .
Homeopathy combinations for Blood purification
- Azadirachta Indica Q
- chirata Q
- berberis aquifolium Q
- Chilidonium M Q
Mix all medicines and take 10 drops daily three times a day in some water.