Electro Homeopathy Class Day3
Electro Homeopathy or Electrohomoeopathy, Mattei Science is a plant based pure herbal paty invented in the 19th century by Count Cesare Mattei. Electro Homeopathy Class Day3...
Electro Homeopathic Class Recordings Day2
Electro Homoeopathy is a plant-orientated system of herbal medicine. The Electro Homoeopathic remedies purify the lymph and blood systems of the human body. Day2 Recording – Part1 Day2...
Electro Homeopathic Class Recordings Day1
What is Electro Homeopathy The practice of Electro Homoeopathy grew with the Italian Noble, Count Cesar Mattei who founded true Electro Homoeopathy in the latter...
High Uric acid or Gout treatment
What is Uric Acid ? It is also known as Gout or Inflammatory arthritis यूरिक एसिड एक रसायन है जो तब बनता है जब शरीर...
Knee pain treatment
Knee pain is the very common musculoskeletal complaint now days and due to that brings people to the doctor. It affects about approx. 25% of...
Electro Homeopathic treatment of Vertigo and Dizziness
If some one experience the feeling that things around him are spinning, he or she may be suffering from vertigo. It’s a condition in which...
Best Electro Homeopathic Medicines for Increasing Memory and Treating Forgetfullness
What is Low memory Forgetfulness or low memory or having a weak memory are mostly associated with old age, but even children may have these...
Cracking Sound from Knee joints
See Below Video...
Electro homeopathic medicine for high cholesterol
High cholesterol is when you have too much of a fatty substance called cholesterol in your blood. It’s mainly caused by eating fatty food, not...
Height Increase formula
Electro Homeopathic Medicine to Increase Height Genes largely determine your height. You may get taller by eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, staying active,...