Homeopathic Medicines for Paralysis
Homeopathic medicines for paralysis
What is paralysis: Paralysis is defined as loss of muscle function resulting in inability to move the affected part. The cause paralysis does not lie in the muscles of leg or any part of body but it is in the nervous system.
Best remedies for paralysis from Bell palsy, stroke, Guillain-Barre syndrome, spinal cord injury, and for localised paralysis. Professional Treatment is advised rather than self-treatment .
Cause of Paralysis
The main causes of paralysis are
- Stroke (Poor Blood Flow To Brain Leading To Cell Death),
- Trauma,
- Nerve Injury
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Cerebral Palsy
Paralysis can be localised or generalized.
- Localized paralysis affects the face, eyelids, hands and vocal cords.
- Generalised paralysis includes
- Monoplegia (paralysis of one limb),
- Hemiplegia (paralysis of an arm and leg on one side of the body), paraplegia (paralysis of both lower limbs, the urinary bladder, and rectum are also usually involved)
- Quadriplegia (paralysis of both arms and legs)

Homeopathic Medicines for Paralysis : Homeopathic Treatment of Paralysis
Homeopathic medicines offer supportive treatment of paralysis by many herbal medicines. The recovery of paralysis is varies from person to person and homeopathic medicines of paralysis may be differ according to person and symptoms.
Read Also:Homeopathy Medicine for Headache
Homeopathic medicine for paralysis are
General prescription for All paralysis
- Gelsemium 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Causticum : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Plumbum Met 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Rhus Tox 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Xanthoxylum Q : 10 Drop three time Daily
- Gingko biloba Q : 10 Drop three time Daily
For Lt. Side paralysis
- Lachesis 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Stannum Met 200 : : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Picric Acid 200 : : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Rhus Tox 200 : : 2 Drop One time Daily
For Rt. Sided paralysis
- Plumbum Met. 200: :2 Drop One time Daily
- Opium 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Picric Acid 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Rhus Tox 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
For paraplegia(both legs)
- Causticum 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Plumbum Met 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Lathyrus 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Picric Acid 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
- Rhus Tox 200 : 2 Drop One time Daily
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂